*TMI warning*
A little while later, I noticed some bright pink spotting so I decided to check my cervix just for peace of mind... it is super soft and open... it should be closed up tight. These are all very bad signs so I called my doctor's office and the receptionist fit me in tomorrow morning for a check (this is the fourth time I've had to call on a weekend about a threatened miscarriage in the last 18 months) and some bloodwork. I knew there was a reason I didn't feel right. I've had absolutely no morning sickness (every other time I've been knocked up, I was sick before I even got the positive result on the test). So I guess I'll find out tomorrow wtf is going on. For now, I'm just going to continue my meds, stop taking tests and start sending positive vibes into my ute.
The good news is that at least we have 22 frozen totsicles so we try again if we have to... (once we pay down some debt in a few months) and a frozen embryo transfer is waaaayy less expensive and much easier on my body than what we just went through.
Here are the two tests: Today's is on top, and yesterdays is underneath
(yesterday's test looks really dark because it has been drying for 24 hours, but you can see how light the new test came out and why it freake dme out a bit)
Thinking of you Mindy! I hope that little one is just snuggling in.