So... Do you see a line? because I think I do!
So, before anyone gets excited and goes running into the bedroom to jump on the bed shouting "I'm pregnant Ryan!" Let's think this through...
I forgot about this morning's test again, so I'm pretty sure that is just another evaporation line, but then I started thinking: 5days post transfer is the same as 10dpo (days past ovulation) so I could potentially get a positive test right now. So I took another test and timed it perfectly...what do you think?
and then, (just to prove that I'm not crazy), I inverted the colors on both tests ... If it's an evap line, then it won't show up because there is no color in the line, but if it's real it should show up as a faint green line... above the "T"...
and the second test....
A very very faint positive!
Now, just because I'm getting a positive test right now does not mean "I'm going to have a baby" . I've been pregnant before and lost them, so it's not time to celebrate yet... Also, very few people even know that they are pregnant this early and this could be another chemical pregnancy (no baby just HCG hormones to trigger a pink line) or an ectopic pregnancy (where the embryo implants somewhere other than right where it's supposed to be in my ute and is not viable). So if you are one of my readers... we're going to pretend that I haven't posted all this on the internet and play it cool... kay?
so... SUCCESS! Now all I have to do is stay pregnant :)
Now, just because I'm getting a positive test right now does not mean "I'm going to have a baby" . I've been pregnant before and lost them, so it's not time to celebrate yet... Also, very few people even know that they are pregnant this early and this could be another chemical pregnancy (no baby just HCG hormones to trigger a pink line) or an ectopic pregnancy (where the embryo implants somewhere other than right where it's supposed to be in my ute and is not viable). So if you are one of my readers... we're going to pretend that I haven't posted all this on the internet and play it cool... kay?
so... SUCCESS! Now all I have to do is stay pregnant :)
::runs to jump on the bed and wake Ryan up:::
Fingers and heart crossed!