Our embryologist called to give us our final count on frozen embryos: 22 frozen! and the even better news... we don't have to wait almost 2 weeks until the pregnancy test to have sex :)... "a few days should be enough" according to the embryologist! Things are getting better and better, and I even am starting to feel a little pregnant. Rye and I walked through the mall today, and the smell of Mrs. Fields cookies made me wanna toss mine. so gross. (but I'm sure it's totally in my head... mind fetus has settled in early this cycle.... usually about 8-9 days after I ovulate I'm "sure" that I'm knocked up).
The average time is 3-5 days for an embryo to attach and implant according to Dr. Google, so starting on Day 5 post transfer, I'm going to take a cheapie pregnancy test every morning and post just for fun. We'll see if *anything* shows up before the blood test.
So that's your warning.. there will be pictures of things I have peed on in this blog....
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