Thursday, September 30, 2010


So, today that faint line is still super faint, but visible. You can't quite see it as well in the picture as you can in real life, but trust me there is a line for sure! The wierd part is that I'm not as excited as I have been in the past to see that little pink line. I guess it's because of the miscarriages...I'm keeping myself from getting too excited until we find out for sure if the pregnancy is viable and will result in a baby and not just a ton of medical bills and a brokenheart.

The line above the "c" is the "control line" that shows the test is working properly... the little line above the "t" is the "test line" and would only show anything if there is hCG (baby hormone) present...

Also, the breakfast burrito cravings have begun... it's 3:30 am right now and I woke up because I was dreaming that I fell into an ocean of hotsauce, but floated to safety on a tortilla life raft... yum.

 Trying to Conceive Ticker